Destiny Ruled by Mind – Tea Kbilashvili PDF EPUB Ebook – Tea Kbilashvili
ISBN: 9781528950312
There are no evil people, the same as there are no virtuous ones. Everyone is born with an inherent sense of good as well as with the evil reflected from the society. There are weak, strong, and extremely strong people. The existing conditions surrounding him impel a weak person to display all his weaknesses, while a strong person demonstrates his positive side despite adverse circumstances. And all the while, the strongest person creates his surroundings himself.
Don’t allow your fear to shatter your faith because it’s the struggle between fear and faith that determines one’s fate. And the outcome of their battle is one’s destiny.
Many can be kind when things are fine, but it’s important to show how kind you are when you have a reason to be resentful or bitter. Satan was an angel before his fall. It is the fall that proves if one really deserved being at the top.
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Free Download Destiny Ruled by Mind – Tea Kbilashvili PDF EPUB Ebook – Tea Kbilashvili EPUB ebook